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Nov 7, 1936 cont.
Looked over resettlement area and then back to Waycross.

Nov 8, 1936
Up at 4.30 & to Okefenokee Swamp entering at Cornelia. Visited Floyds Id & saw tracks of deer, bear, bobcats & other.
Also saw my first
[[underline]] Florida Sandhill [[/underline]] Cranes  13 individuals in flocks of 6 - 4 - 3
Bird life not too numerous but saw some [[underline]] herons [[/underline]] - considerable number of [[underline]] wood ducks [[/underline]] and multitudes of [[underline]] Robins [[/underline]] 

Nov 9, 1936.
Into Okefenokee from Folkestone, saw Recroft the surveyor and went into the swamp as far as Billys Island.  Saw few birds but they were well scattered.
[[strikethrough]] Nov 10, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Up early & [[/strikethrough]]
To Tallahassee & St Marks arriving at Tallahassee at midnight after travelling a terrible road.

Nov 10, 1936
Over refuge with Cochrane - etc the camp is doing fine works.  The boys here handled the work in fine style and get a great kick out of handling the new cats and trucks
Visited the new part of the refuge and collected a few small birds.  Saw Kennedy of Fla game commission in evening.
Got three [[underline]] Nelson Sparrows [[/underline]] and a [[underline]] nacelle[[?]] [[/underline]] seaside as well as a couple of [[underline]] Marsh Wrens [[/underline]] of different types.