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Nov 11, 1936
Left Tallahassee at 9.00AM arr Jacksonville.
Take train to washington at 6.40PM.
Saw Kelsey for a few moments

Nov 12, 1936
Arr Washington at 1.05 PM & go to office for a short time.

Nov 13,1936
In office in AM. Saw Sec. Wallace in the afternoon and had a good visit. Have arranged to meet [[strike]] walcott [[/strike]] Tugwell next Monday. Out to see Henry Davis in evening. Met Palmer, Sheldon, Carl Shoemaker there.

Nov 14, 1936
Senator Walcott in and had a good time visiting with him. He invited me down to Va for a couple of days with him and as Byrd & Willis Robertson are to be there think I'll go.

Nov 15-36
Out to [[Wickers?]] for a while in AM and found it very windy & hard to shoot.  Back home in afternoon & to the park with Iris & the kids in P.M.  Very cold & uncomfortable.  Finished first draft of book on plants for Tayler at midnight.

Nov 16, 1936.
In office all day, busy day.  Henderson out for dinner in evening & I took 10.35 train to Carrington Va.

Nov 17, 1936
Arr Carrington 5.15AM and out to Galbrights where I met Wolcott for conference