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Nov 23, 1936
In office trying to clean up on my desk & conferences with a lot of people mostly in the survey. Home at night tired out. Worked a while on the plant book but too bad tired to function much

Nov 24, 1936
In office again until late at night. Clear cold and dry but nice. Worked like a Trojan all day. Home at night tired again.

Nov 25, 1936
Stayed at home today. Cleaned up the basement & catalogued a few birds. Spent rest of day working on the plant book. In evening met Clara Junes 9.23 train at 10.30 brot her home & went to Crouches for a small party for Bill Ritters.  Home tired.

Nov 26, 1936
Up in morning & tackled book again determined to finish it this weekend.  Stuff was all ready but needed revising & photos gone over.  Worked all day & evening.

Nov 27, 1936
Same as yesterday except that I had to go in to see the Secretary at 3.00PM.  Spent a few minutes in office & then went home & resumed labor on book.

Nov 28, 1936
Same all day and until 12 midnight.  Hard to go to sleep but finally made it.

Nov 29, 1936
Finished photo & first revision of list of book at 1.00PM.  Took a ride to Annapolis with the kids & enjoyed it.