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Nov 29, 1936 cont
Put CJ & her friend on train & then home for evening. Very quiet & peaceful about here.

Nov 30, 1936
In office all day. Lewis of Ariz called up and begged me to extent season but refused. Sorry to do it but couldn't see a chance. Home in evening & just loafed. Read papers & looked at fire.

Dec 1, 1936
In office all day except for 2 hours with water resources board and half hour with secretary.  Many small conferences with Young-Bell Elmer, LeJeffenbach[[?]] etc.   Home in evening to pack and work at odds & ends.  Coltrane & Jen[[?]] Fisher will go with me tomorrow.

Dec 2, 1936
Lt 9.00AM.  Coltrane's car refused to start and he was delayed considerably.  We started in the rain and snow and continued that way all day.  Arrived in Washington with a bad case of indigestion.  Saw Wenchelk[[?]], Birch[[?]] & Mann who was in on the Pamlico Sound Lumber Co. case.  On to Matamuskeet Lake at 10.00PM.

Dec 3, 1936
Shot ducks with Fisher & Coltrane for a while.  [[underline]] Teal & Black [[\underline]] Ducks were the only ones flying close & we got six.  I felt punk[[?]] all day.