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Dec 12, 1936 (cont)
Home in PM & worked in Garden awhile planting stuff John sent me.  Made up oyster catches.  Boat trailed[[?]] grackle[[?]], meadowlark, Song Sparrow and Shrike brot to me by Coltrane.

Dec 13, 1936
Out to Wickens place at Oakton with Iris.  Bright & snappy with a chill breeze.  Birds scarce.  Collected a Hermit Thrush, Junco and two tree sparrows.
1.  Crow  few
2.  Downy Woodpecker  2
3.  Carolina Chickadee  2
4.  Mockingbird  1
5.  Purple Finch  2
6.  Tree Sparrow  10-12
7.  Junco  25
8.  Hermit Thrush  3
Came home & made up birds

Dec 14, 1936
In office all day.  Worked on a million little things and was tired when night came.

Dec 15, 1936
In office again all day except for a trip to National Parks Service office over the Arizona area and had a staff meeting at which Williams outlined his work in the Alentians this summer.  It was a most interesting and enjoyable meeting.

Dec 16, 1936
In office all day again and a mighty busy day on many small matters which wear a person down much more than big things if they come too fast.