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Dec 21, 1936
plea of guilty. George Greenfield N.Y. Times in to get a story on our work.  Worked with Seth Gordon & Carl Shoemaker a while & had lunch with them.  Home at six.
Dec 22, 1936
In office general office work.  Plenty to do too.  Not much time for anything but routine.
Dec 23, 1936
More work and a luncheon for [[one division?]] Had a hectic day & tired tonight.
Dec 24, 1936
In office all day cleaning up balance of desk & careing for a thousand little things. Kids decorated the tree tonight & we had a lot of callers.
Dec 25, 1936
Xmas day and a lazy one. The folks gave me Murphy's Oceanic birds of S.A. a delightful present & I spent most of the day reading it.  To Couches, Wardron friends of Claras & Leichhardts.
Dec 26, 1936
Out at 5:30AM with Cottum, Nelson & Smith for Xmas bird census.  Saw a total of 57 species.  Mild warm day & I brot home a nice bunch of birds to skin 11 in all. The only startling thing was a couple of wintering Brown thrushes one of which I collected. Home at 2:00 PM tired.
Dec 27, 1936.
Skinned birds all morning & made them up.  Worked some around