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Dec 28, 1936
   In office busy all day with an accumulation of small matters.  Tired & Clara worn out Stayed at home in evening & read my new book. We have Hart Mt & Chas Sheldon
Dec 29, 1936
   In office again all day. received a beautiful pair of goose skins from Tule one [[mammaline?]] rossis & 1 Emperor here at home again tonight with birds Paul Miller
Dec 30, 1936.
   To Beltsville with Fred Lincoln. Cloudy & foggy birds scarce & aim rotten. I got two song sparrows, one white throat & Lincoln gave me a male cardinal.
   To Crouches for dinner & Mrs. Yoder's for dance.
Dec 31, 1936
   To office all day & then New Years party at Milt Furnesses.  Home at 2:00 AM
Jan 1, 1937
   Up at 9:00 AM & skinned Beltsville birds worked a while at birds in basement & to Bells, Leichhardts, Callaghans in evening
Jan 2, 1937
   At home.  Read & loafed all day.  Had a quiet day & then to Couches for party where we had a fine time
Jan 3, 1937
   At home all day worked around the house some. [[strikethrough]]& then went in evening to the Bells, Leichhardts & Cottums Callaghans.[[/strikethrough]] Left at 4:25 for Canada.
Jan 4, 1937
   Arrive at Montreal at 9:00 AM

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) Hart Mountain Natl. Wildlife Refuge and the Sheldon Antelope Refuge are neighbors in SE Oregon and NW Nevada. Tule (Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge) is in Northern CA.)