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Jan 11, 1937
   In office busy with many things. Learned that additional evidence other than first report of deputy had been secured and case forwarded to solicitor against Chief Justice Van Devanter. Prepare for M.B.C. meeting.
Jan 12, 1937
   Meeting of M.B.C. long drawn out but a great success in that they approved all
the work we had done. Very happy about Texas area and Montezuma marshes.
Jan 13, 1937
   Worked in office all day on many problems including preparation of speech
for tomorrow night. Went to dinner for [[?]] Tugwell & visited with secretary & others until 2:00 AM.
Jan 14, 1937
   Finished preparation for speech & then caught 11:00 AM train for N.Y. arriving
at 3:00 PM. Saw Fred Walcott, Henry Davis, a man by the name of Spencer and others. Bill Finley in room later. Made the speech & didn't get any eggs thrown in my direction so guess I got away with it.
Jan 15, 1937
   Returned to Washington at 11:00 AM & to the office. Tired but managed to 
stagger along somehow until night when came home & found a party scheduled. Went for a while & had a good time at Turners.