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June 5, 1937.
   To office with Day & Crouch & took care of my morning business.  Lot of little things.  Conferences with the Division chiefs [[strikethrough]] and ?[[/strikethrough]] [[comment?]] a statement of a nation wide policy for wild life admin. Lunch with Aunt Kate, Ruby Gabrielson & her husband Walter [[strikethrough]] Pan [[\strikethrough]] ^[[Bau?]]. Worked on lawn & yard a while in PM & then [[worked at?]] the desk in the evening.
June 6, 1937
   To Beltsville with Fred Lincoln & the kids 
Too hot to do much.  Walked from Snowden Hall down to river - up the bottoms to the fence & back along fence to the gate & then to Snowden.   Henslows sparrows in all the open fields.   One grasshopper sparrow just below Snowden.
[[The following list is in two columns]]
[[begin left column]]
1.  Great blue Heron  1
2   Turkey Buzzard  sev
3.  Mourning Dove  4
4.  Bob white (sev)
5.  Crow (sev)
6.  Blue Jay (sev)
7.  Meadowlark  2
8   Chimney Swift  10
9.  Crested Flycatcher  2
10. Kingbird  2
11. Acadian Flycatcher 1(?)
12. Wood Pewee  1
13. Parula Warbler  2
14  Prairie " [[ditto for Warbler]] (sev)
15. Chat
16. Redstart  2
[[/end left column]]
[[begin right column]]
17. Henslow Sparrow  10-12
18  Grasshopper  "  [[ditto for Sparrow]] 2
19  Towhee
20  Cardinal (sev)
21. Red eyed Vireo  4
22. Brown Thrasher
23  Catbird
24  Mockingbird
25  Carolina Wren
26. House Wren
27. Indigo Bunting
28. Ovenbird
29. Whip-poor will
[[/end rightcolumn]]