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June 25, 1937 cont
without results
June 26, 1937
   Fished home pool & lower 4 mile.  No fish  Canoed down to landing and caught 5:50 train out of Van Buren Maine
June 27, 1937
   On train all day arriving at the Union Station Washington at 5:30 PM  Darling with me & went home with me.
June 28, 1937
   Conference Darling, Palmer & Davis.  At office on regulations, Bernie Maurels etc.  There till 9:00 PM.  Home & get some of my stuff together.
June 29, 1937
   Get material together.  Go to office on Elmer & Salyer matter & home at noon.  We got the car packed & off at 1:30 PM arriving at [[strikethrough]] Wash [[/strikethrough]] Guys 9:30 PM
June 30, 1937
   At Guys all day.  Just loafing & resting  Clara needed it too as she was tired
July 1, 1937
   At Guys again for another day & didn't do anything but loaf & walk around the place.
July 2, 1937
   Leave at 7:30 AM and arrive at Ogdensburg NY at 7:00 PM.  Stopped at Guys & had a perfect day on the trip.  Comfortable day to ride around the country thru northern Pa & central NY was fine.  Saw lots of mountain laurel & rhododendrons in bloom