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July 13, 1937
Up early & with C.J & Iris rowed to north end of the lake and climbed a low whale back from which we had a good view of the lake & surrounding country.  The little rain of Sunday made the country look much greener & fresher.  Just as we landed we heard a mixed flock of warblers [[writeover]] in [[over]] ? [[/writeover]] a group of spruce & birch.  They proved to be Baybreasts, Redstarts & Blackburnians.  Returned home at eleven for a good swim before lunch - saw following birds
[[The following list is in two columns on this page]]
[[left column]]
1.   Loon  2
2.   Crow  2
3.   Maryland Yellowthroat  1
4.   Redstart  4
5.   White throated sparrow  2
6.   Song sparrow  2
7.   Robin  2
8.   Olive backed Thrush  4
9.   Red eyed Vireo  C
10.  Downy Woodpacker  1
11.  Black capped Chickadee  6
12.  Bronzed Grackle  2
13.  Savannah Sparrow  6
14.  Goldfinch  4
15.  Ovenbird  1
16.  Osprey  1
17.  Cedar Waxwing  6
18.  Alder Flycatcher  1
19.  Vesper Sparrow  5
20.  Sharp skinned Hawk  1
21.  Phoebe  1
22.  Wood Pewee  2  (Have heard calling on several days previously)
[[right column]]
23.  Bay breasted Warbler  4
24.  Blackburnian   " [[ditto for Warbler]]     2
25.  Chipping Sparrow  4  (Have heard Chippy's singing every day but failed to see them until today)
26.  Red breasted Nuthatch  3