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July 22, 1937
Up & tramped the woods a bit but didn't see many birds. We then went fishing and while fishing for bass saw a small hawk fly to an island. It was a pigeon hawk & she was feeding a young male both of which I collected. On the return trip we saw three male american Mergansers in Little Cedar lake and a bittern on the shore of Blue Sea lake while awaiting the boat. Fishing poor & return via Andersons motor at 7:00 PM. Went swimming twice after our return.
[[The following list is in two columns on this page]]
[[left column]]
1. Loon 8
2  Crow 4
3. Least Flycatcher 1
4. Black & White Warbler 1
5. Redstart 1
6. White throated Sparrow 6
7. Song Sparrow 2
8. Robin C
9. Olive backed Thrush 2
10 Red eyed Vireo 6
11. Magnolia Warbler 1
12. Spotted sandpiper 1
13. Kingfisher 1
14. Chickadee 4
15. Meadowlark 2
16. Kingbird 2
17  Barn Swallow 4
18  Chimney Swift 2
19. Goldfinch 2
20  Ovenbird 2
21. Winter Wren 1
[[right column]]
22. House Wren 2
23. Myrtle Warbler 1
24. Chestnut sided " [[ditto for: Warbler]] 1
25. Great Blue Heron 1
26. Cedar waxwing 2
27. Vesper Sparrow 2
28. Phoebe 2
29. Black billed Cuckoo 1
30. English Sparrow C
31  Chipping " [[ditto for: Sparrow]] 2
32. Pigeon Hawk 2
33. Amer. Merganser 1
34. Bittern 1
Returned home & skinned birds & cleaned fish.