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July 24, 1937 cont
4. Maryland Yellowthroat 1
5. Kingbird 2
6. Barn Swallow 2
7. Savannah sparrow 1
8 Great Blue Heron 1
9 Catbird 1
10 White throated Sparrow 2
11. Song sparrow 4
12 Robin 4 or 5
13 Red eyed Vireo 3
14. Downy Woodpecker 1
15. Spotted Sandpiper 1
16. Kingfisher 4
17. Chickadee 2
18 Cedar Waxing 1
19 Phoebe 2
20 Broad winged Hawk 1
21. Bittern 1
22. Long billed Marsh Wren 1
Clara & I swam a while - ate supper alone while the kids were over to Paletos and then went trolling with a little brass spinner and a red head trouterino we caught and landed 12 bass but only kept four which weighed 3/4, 3/4, 1 & 1 1/2 [[pound symbol]] respectively. In the afternoon Anderson and I killed & skinned the two little sharp shinned hawks which we have had for a week. From pure white birds with only a bit of wing & tail quills showing they developed within 7 days in hand feeding to half fledged young sharp shinned hawks.