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July 26, 1937
9. Bald Eagle 1 flew over boat this morning as we fished.
10. Herring Gull 2
11. Sharp shinned Hawk 1
12 Osprey 1
13. Black throated green Warbler 1
14.   "   & white Warbler 1
15. Chickadee 1
16. Spotted Sandpiper 2
17. Kingfisher 2
18. Chimney Swift 
19. Cedar Waxwing
Went for a little hike on the island this afternoon & found two black throated green warblers - one adult [[male symbol]] & fledgling. Collected both. Saw the birds from 10-18 inclusive while bass fishing this evening with C.J & Grace Gail.
Went swimming 4-5. Skinned two birds and ate dinner & then went to Allard Island fishing.
C.J. caught a 1 1/2lb bass & Grace Gail another 1lb and we released five smaller ones.  Had a grand time.

July 27, 1937
Woke at 5.30 but it was raining hard & so back to sleep as there is little to be gained by bucking the wet brush.
Arose 7.30 & walked to top of island & ran into a warbler migration composed largely of Blackburnians & Redstarts.  
Found a hunting perch of the male sharp shinned Hawk who cursed us out vigorously for interfering with his hunting.