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July 30 - 37 cont
[[the following list is in two columns on this page]]
[[left column]]
12. Kingfisher 1
13. Flicker 4
14. Chickadee 15
15. Starling 10
16. Bronzed Grackle 4
17. Meadowlark 4
18. Bobolink 1 ad [[male symbol]]
19. Kingbird 8
20. Bluebird 5
21. Barn Swallow 20
22. Chimney Swift 6
23. Savannah Sparrow 2
24. Goldfinch 16
25. Ovenbird 2
26. Blue Jay 6
27. Winter Wren  1
28  House    " [[ditto for: Wren]]  2
29  Chestnut sided Warbler  3
30  Catbird  2
31  Scarlet Tanager  3
32  Cedar Waxwing  8
33  Vesper Sparrow  C
[[right column]]
34. Rough winged Swallow  2
35  Phoebe  3
36  Wood Pewee  2
37  Ruby throated Hummer  3
38  Pied billed Grebe  1
39. Black billed Cuckoo  1
40  English Sparrow  C
41  Purple Finch  1
42  Chipping Sparrow  6
43  Red breasted Nuthatch  1
44  Tree Swallow  4
45  Cliff Swallow  20
46. Indigo Bunting  1 ad [[male symbol]]
47. Baltimore Oreole  2 ad [[female symbol]] & juv.
48. Wilson Thrush  1
49. Myrtle Warbler 1 [[female symbol] 3 Fledg
50  Red winged B B  10
51. Black throated green Warbler  1
52. Herring Gull  1
53. Black Duck  1

   Saw one gang of five chickadees, 1 red eyed Vireo & 1 Black & White Warbler in a cedar swamp.  And a gang of chickadees, redstarts and vireos back of the house. A myrtle warbler feeding three barely fledged young in front of the house this afternoon while I was skinning birds contributed another fledgling to my little collection.  Swam with Clara before lunch & we fished in evening, each had two strikes but failed to land them