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Aug 30-37 cont
   The heat was almost unbearable in the jungle & mesquite but I kept plugging along & killed a Couche's Kingbird, 2 small Buteos, a huge jay in juvenile plumage and a chachalaca.  Fred came in with a Couche's Kingbird, 2 Green Jays and a big jay.
Saw lots of smaller birds but could not identify them except that Tanagers, tits and sparrows were represented.
1.  Red billed Pigeons (C) including 2 jumped at close range
2.  White winged Dove  (C)
3.  Mourning  "  [[ditto for: Dove]] C
4.  Ground    "  [[ditto for: Dove]] C  scattered individuals  
5.  Texas kingfisher  1
6.  Chimney Swift (?) bird about size & color
7.  Swallows.  Cliff? & Rough winged(?)
8.  Hummers  several kinds
9.  Magpie Jay.  Common
10. Green Jay  1
11. Bob White  3 or 4
12. Scaled Quail  fl
13. Ani  (C)
14. Grackle  C
15  Buteo  4
16. Dusky Flycatcher  4
17  Crouches Kingbird  C
18  Lizzard Cuckoo  1
Many others not known for certain
19  Chachalaca  3  flew across road in front of car