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33. Marbled Godwit 5 or 6
34. Hudsonian Curlew 5 
35. Cowbirds small fl
36. White tailed Kite 1 my first outside Calif
37. White Pelicans 2
38. Brown   "  4 or 5
39. Louisiana Heron 10-12
40. Reddish Egret 5
41. Little Blue Heron 3
42. Lesser yellowlegs 4 or 5
43. Black bellied Plover 4
44. Least Tern 4 or 5
45. Royal  "  2
46. Black Tern 1
47. Cliff swallow sev.
48. Barn   "  c
49. Rough winged  " 2
50. Horned Lark sev
51. [[female symbol]] Pintail
52. Audubons caracara 2
53. Migrant Shrike (c)
54. Black crowned Night Heron 6
55. Whip-poor will 6
56. Red Winged Blackbird sev
57. Kingbird 2
58. Great Horned Owl 2
59. Blue Grosbeak 1
60. Gull billed Tern 2
61. Black Skimmer 4
62. "
The cover is largely live oak and open glades & very good condition. Arrived at hotel worn out & Fred skinned out body of the ducks.