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Oct 13-1937
17.  Swamp Sparrow  4-5
18.  Savannah  "  [[ditto for: Sparrow]]  2
19   Goldfinch      C
Left Swan Lake at 1:30 and arrived at Squaw Creek headquarters at 4:30 PM and look over place & refuge.  Saw several thousand ducks - coots etc.  Skinned birds collected at Swan Lake to bed at Mound City at [[noon?]].

Oct 14,1937
Over the refuge again till noon and then drove to Des Moines in afternoon arriving at 6:00 PM. Saw lots of ducks on refuge.
1.   Great Blue Heron 6-8
2.   Cormorant D.C. 23
3.   Bittern 1
4.   Pied billed Grebe 6
5.   Coot  5000
6.   Gadwall  200
7.   Amer. Baldpate  3
8.   Mallard  1000.
9.   Pintail  5000.
10.  Blue winged teal  1000
11.  Green winged teal  50
12   Wood Duck  1
13.  Wilson Snipe  3         22 Goldfinch  1
14.  Killdeer  4
15   Dowitcher  9
16.  Herring Gull 6
17.  Crow  C
18.  Barn Swallow  C
20.  Junco  (sev)
21   White throated sparrow  C