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Oct 28, 1937.
In office all day.  Conferences with Milton Eisenhower, Sec Wallace, Paul Appleby etc.  Went to club in evening all tired out.

Oct 29, 1937
In office again all day.  Another hectic day which kept me busy all the time until 6.30P.M.  Clara met me and we went to Warley's for dinner together & then I took the train for Providence RI at 9.00PM.

Oct 30, 1937
Arr Providence 6.40AM.  Went to hotel for a rest but didn't get it.  My room was full of people all day & by night I was woozy.  The federation was all O'K & had a fair crowd.  [[Stobie?]] of Maine, [[Stobie?]] of N.H., Hunter of Vt, Hein of Mass, Clark of Conn and the Rhode Island crowd were all together.  Made a talk & then caught a train for Washington at 10.10PM.

Oct 31, 1937
Arrived Wash 7.45AM.  Went home & planted bulbs.  200 crocus, 100 Grape hyacinth & 100 narcissus.  Still have 300 tulips to get out.  Took a bath & caught 4.55 southern train for Knoxville.  Frank Bell, Leach, Higgins & Cottam in the train.

Nov 1, 1938
Arr Knoxville 5.40AM and go to Andrew Johnson hotel for the day.  Conference with T.V.A. officials & Bell all morning.  Drive to Norris Dam & look it over & then confer with officials again in working out projects