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Nov 16, 1938 (cont) get up & kill one goose with my first barrel before they got out of range.  Later we took five out of a flock of nine with six shots.  Lindsey Warren out for a visit last night.

Nov 17, 1938
Spent day with Johnson & Mann going over the work on the refuge.  Made the complete circuit of the lake for the first time.  Noted a lot of bulrush on the north & west side & was informed by the boys that it had increased notably this past year.

Nov 18, 1938
Sat in the blind with Chadwick all day without firing a shot except at a high flying black.  Dinner in the evening with General Tyler and Maj. Gillette also Congressman Warner.

Nov 19, 1938 also Nov 20, 1938
Left at 5.00AM, drove home.  Had a flat tire and came on in arriving in the rain at 4.00PM and found that Clara had had 4 geese picked and that we had a dinner & dance scheduled.  The dinner was excellent and the dance following was equally good.  Crowd left at 12.30 and I was tired after a long day.  Clara & I had just turned in and I was almost asleep as I hit the pillow when the phone rang.  It was Ira Leichhardt and she was almost incoherent as she told me that a car carry her & chef [[?]] Lincoln &