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June 13, 1939.
  [[underline]] avocet nest 4 eggs, 1 b.w. teal with[[/underline]] 11 eggs & found at secondary headquarters a [[underline]] gadwall nest[[/underline]] with eleven eggs.  I enjoyed the trip very much.  Unit full and possibly 3 inches of water going over the spillway as a result of local run off from a shower of yesterday afternoon.  Saw numerous [[underline]] Bairds Sparrows[[/underline]] & ^[[heard a]] [[underline]] Dickcissel [[/underline]]  Leo & I left at noon and drove thru to the Lancaster project ([[easement?]]) south of Medicine Lake about 150 miles.  Structure is well built & nearly finished.  Rather costly for the area it will impound but it is in a very strategic place and will provide a high ratio of marsh in the pond.  Then drove until 2:30 AM to reach Sheridan Wyo.
June 14, 1939
  Up at 6:00 AM and met Orion Robensin on the street just as he was starting out to the Big Horns.  Visited with him while we ate breakfast & then pushed on to Hutton Lake.  Work is well along here and we will have 4 nice lakes.  It is now pretty well filled altho a new marsh which is just being cut [[new?]] to the system is still dry.  Fence is nearly complete and there is a nice duck population there  Talked to Leo about the necessity of a large refuge or two in Wyoming & he will look for something like P ranch where we can control water of an entire stream  On into Denver