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[[start page]] Sept 25, 1939 (cont) and little progress noted in the refuge.  Some water control structures in.  Disappointed in the remodeling of stone house.
  Believe Sairs must fence water if he is to control grazing even with the cooperation of the Taylor grazing crowd & they are not playing fair now in bringing outside stock into the area.  We should start our fencing program at Big Springs lake and fence [[near?]] three other springs - also keep Crealler places fenced.  Hurry acquisition of Crealler place.

Sept 26, 1939.
  Talked to Henderson again on Montana situation & told him still felt same way.  Drove to Harts Mt but got there too late to see sheep released.  Few still in evidence but main herd went straight back into the canyons where we had hoped they would go.  Drove to Tuile Lake & saw lots of white fronted geese, mallards & Pintails.  We have had good rains & food crop will be good.  We should rush decision on Tuile Lake open area.  Drove on to Redding in evening.

Sept 27, 1939.
  Into [[Waltons?]].  Conditions here good.  We have fine water conditions & some six hundred acres either with crop or ready for it.  Nice bird concentrations mostly of mallards and pintails.  On into [[Saets Fsorce?]] See [[Poole & Nelf?]]