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[[stamped]] 0846 [[/stamped]]

August 27
Section at Grand Summit about 1.2 miles NE of Station.

Slabs with interiors of Juresania come on top of limestone capping the Florena (= Morrill ls.) or steams shale.

[[image: diagram of cross section profile of soil]]

Juresania common

thick ls.

Sh & modular ls, level of fossils ls.



Red sh ls.

Thick ls.

Aug. 28

Old localiy for silicified Derbyia is 3 1/2 mi N of center of Dexter about center east line 36 - 32S - 6E
First cut from S is 3 mi north of Dexter. Second cut is 3.5 miles N and is one from which most silicified stuff came. Second cut is about 0.1 mi. S of NE 1/4 36 - 32S - 6E