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1939 Field trip Central N.Y.
May 18-30, 1959

May 18. Left Washington 7:00 AM., arrived Miljean's Motor Court at 5:30 P.M. after uneventful trip.

May 19 - Section along Oneida Creek.
Opinion of Richardson New Scotland is that it is shaly Coeymaus, a reef-flank bed.

Top 6" of Seneca limestone contains [[underlined]] Chonostrophia [[/underlined]] ? in abundance. The rock is dark and suggests transition to The Union Springs.
Oliver stated that a bentonite occurs at the base of the Seneca limestone at Oneida Creek and in same place at Union Springs. He showed that The interval between bentonite and Cherry Valley is 34' at Union Springs and Oneida Cree. The thickness is The same as far east as Cherry Valley, but the Seneca decreases in Thickness as The Union Springs shale increases in The section but always maintaining The combined Thickness of 34'. He believes therefore that the Seneca and Union Springs are equivalent and coeval. The invariable thickness of the distance from Bentonite to Cherry Valley is unusual.
Afternoon spent most of the time collecting Cherry Valley for House, visitor from Durham England.