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Then came about 20 feet of beds abounding in Leiorhynchus which I think is probably the Atypa congreata of Conrad. This was followed by Colgate so, the blue shale with Sp. venustus. Above this are 52 feet of shales terminating in a level as followed by 7' of corals. I think all of this belongs in The Centerfield
Bad rain in afternoon.

May 24 - Bad rainy day. Went to see Quarry in Woodhouse member of Onondaga. Went to Jones Quarry 1 mile east of Tully, then to New Woods Rock for Coral bed. Here creek has been dammed & bed covered.

May 25 - Muller Creek for Tully all morning. West Brook S of Sherburne in afternoon. Then 1 1/2 miles S of Columbus for eastern Tully. Paul Sartenaer found excellent Hypothyridina in calcareous lenses.
Beds for nearly 100' above The West Brook fossil bed are thin sandy shales suggestive of Geneseo at West Brook rather than Sherburne as we called Them.

May 26 - Spent morning at Stony Creek seeing New Lisbon & Laurens. Afternoon at Houghtalines Glen and Glen one mile NE of Laurens.