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1942 May 27 - Seneca ls. exposed on hill at big bend of US 20 about 2 mi. NE of Cherry Valley on old Johnson road 1/2" NW of old Cherry Valley Turnpike. About 6' of solid heavy but irregularly bedded crinoidal ls. Bentonite at base about 6" thick. The ls is hard and quite unlike the Seneca at Oneida Falls. Many silicified Atrypa. Cherry Valley on US 20 just east of Cherry Valley [[image: diagram of different layers and measurements where fossils reside]] Cherry Valley 30 or 40' Fissile, shale with Styliolina Chittenango 5' Solid massive ls, pitted, small corals in bottom 6" black shale 6-9" hackly ls with trilobites, Pentamerella fine Atrypa corals 1-1 1/4 Union Springs with concretions containing Werneroceros.
Transcription Notes:
Werneroceros appears correct as found a reference to it here http://www.researchgate.net/publication/257872335_Stratigraphy_of_the_Cantabrian_Zone