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[[underline]] 1892 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] November 20 - continued. [[/underline]]
the lower part is mostly covered with [[latus?]] but a few masses of disturbed Potomac sand partially lithified are still visible. At the very top of that formation on the extreme left under the roots of a tree about ready to fall is a pocket of white clay that breaks into square blocks. [[I?]] detached some of it & found a few plants. I believe it is Chesapeake and that the plants are redeposited in it. [Wrong]
Below this is a ravine and then occur the highest bluffs along this shore. They have a maximum height of nearly or quite 100 feet and extend for a distance of a quarter of a mile. On the opposite page I give the section as measured by my eyes on the spot. This is difficult, as the bluffs are not close to the river but come 45 yards back, the interval being occupied by slough and overgrown with trees & shrubs. 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Section of bluff below White 
House Landing:

3. Columbia, mostly gravel and
cobble or boulder clay             30 feet

2. Tertiary, certainly Chesapeake
above in the form of white or
brown stratified sands and clays,
and probably [[Pammikey?]] below
in the form of rather light colored
green sand and green clay.         40 "

1. Potomac coarse white or 
gray sands. The lower 6 feet
inferred from safe indications     30 "

This Potomac sand is in some place brightly white and kaolinic, and toward the southern end of the bluffs its lower portion where cracked away in large block has become considerably lithified and closely resembles

Transcription Notes:
Final word is "resem-" so text is inferred to form complete word.