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[[underline]] 1893 [[/underline]]
April 16. - continued
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are also conifers, cycads or Nageiopsis and a few dicotyledons. Quite a large collection was made here. Further down the banks are much higher (20 feet) consisting chiefly of sand beautifully cross bedded or with pockets, lenses and various irregularities, and of different colors. Pretty high up in the largest exposure is a thin vein of fine buff or pinkish clay containing abundant remains of a Sequoia and many male aments, also seeds and other parts. Here also I found a shell.
Near Convalescent Camp on the road to Arlington just this side (north) of the little swamp where Henshaw and I botanized, is a sand pit showing 10 feet of light colored Kaolinic sand The whole is Potomac.

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[[underlined]] 1893 [[/underlined]]
May 7.
Party. Victor Mason and self, with Kodak. First views taken were on 16th street ext. Three views taken all on east side between the large tree and the old stairs on west side. Nos. 1 & 2 of same section and square across, just below the third of the small trees set out on the hill above. Hour 10-30. In the first, I was in the unit & the sun was shining, but not on the exposure. In the second he was the unit & the sun was clouded. The 3d view was taken just below between the [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4th & 5th small trees and diagonally looking northeast (30° n of e), he being the unit. The distance in all cases was about 40 ft. (There was a mistake in this 3d one & it was repeated as the 6th) The 4th & 5th were taken above the big tree some 60 feet, diagonally looking s.e. showing Columbia gravel on top. The fair (No. 4) was rather long exposure,