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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Volume I ! Mothe Lam, Thurs. June 28, 1934 Dear Ed - Left Lakemba this morning at 8 [[superscript]] 00 [[/superscript]] on M & H's [[underlined]] Lei. [[/underlined]] Raining at the start but it cleared nicely & with a fair wind we anchored in Mothe's lagoon at 3 [[superscript]] 30. [[/superscript]] I put in the balance of the day examining the volcanics near the village (fresh looking flows & agglomerates) & in getting some general idea of the island & its reefs from the hills (also collected some thrips & spiders for you!) Expected to have tomorrow here and planned an all day trip to Karoni but on returning to the village at nightfall I learned that the skipper expected to load by moonlight & sail at dawn for Komo - damn! Karoni is a ls. island, smaller than Mothe [[end page]]