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baskets of yams - [[underline]] so [[/underline]] Willy took his house (the best in town) & many baskets of food were presented with great ceremonies!  We unpacked & spent the balance of the afternoon (tide too high for shore work) taking bottom samples in the bay.  Sabben's sampler works beautifully. Samples show considerable variation - one very rich in larger forams.

More later - here comes LEVU KANA! Young Stewart is dining with me.

Cheerio -


July 4th
Darling - (I mean, Dear Ed! - these bluebooks confusing!) -

Well, the glorious 4th has 

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come & gone. No fireworks here - we celebrated by doing some 9,000 paces of limestone coast! - "Brunton & pace - Brunton & pace …!"

Examined a big cave nearly 1/2 a mile inland - big pool 10 feet deep rising & falling with tide.  Took 2 water samples & a lot of brackish water prawns for Edmondson. Our efforts to collect thrips on this island have not been successful, though we have shaken dozens of flowers & grasses onto the canvas.  Willie calls 'em "flips", which is not so bad! Willy got a nip from a spider today - I let him do the dirty work!

Finally had a chance to use up that 10 feet of movie film. Took a girl painting a most