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20 on -- and two damned cool to suit my taste. I paced and cracked rox for 4-1/2 hours & spent the balance of the day plotting. No startling discoveries but the map is about half done. Tonight our 5th chicken came in! I had Willy carry it -- anything for a change! I'll be crowing and laying eggs if this keeps up much longer! Each night I have my bath on the Chinaman's little cement laundry & as I scrub I listen to Chinese Victrola records (I dare not call it [[underline]] music! [[/underline]]) The Chinaman speaks no English (except numbers plus the words "shilling" "sixpence" and "threepence"!) and my Chinese isn't all it might be but we get on [[end of page]] [[start of page]] 21 well with a few words of Fijian (the three most important being "Mlula! and "Sisili" and "Mothe"!) Our canoe is now three days overdue -- I begin to get a touch of "ants" every time I think about it. If they let me down I am in a pickle indeed as there is not a single large canoe here at present. But, something will turn up -- I'm always lucky! You must be nearing Honolulu. I hope you found some congenial company on board and didn't draw a seat with any "Grumble-Groves"! The grog has been musically pounded -- Mlula mlalava! Harry [[end of page]]