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the gaps. The cliff drops straight into blue water -- 4 or 5 fathoms in spots. Crawling on all-fours in that narrow limestone nip with the waves splashing in is not so much fun!  As soon as the wind gets back the SE I'll try to finish. Only made 3000 paces of coastal traverse today but I made a N-S traverse across the island. Got some good algal & detrital limestones but I seem to have found the [[underline]] best [[/underline]] fossils on my earlier visit. Am just about convinced that the N coast is faulted -- can't explain the unusual features any other way. An incipient algal reef (5 - 15' wide) fringes the cliff in a few places -- much like the fault coast on Wangava & Kambara. Have found bedded 

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( [[underline]] well [[/underline]] bedded) ls. on the north coast and, on the south coast, they are thrown into low undulations or folds.  No coral heads in position of growth in the basal beds, though some are definitely upside down.  The map won't show much except the outline & the fossil locations but I'll have some cross-sections to accompany it. 

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When I went for my bath tonight the Chow was smoking his new pipe with a grin from ear to ear! -- he had [[underline]] hot water [[/underline]] ready for me too! Nice!

A canoe from Mothe & 6 from Fulanya sailed in today.  The Mothe people sport that our big canoe is back from Kambara & only waiting a good day to come

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