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3 were anchored around at Matandolo on the north coast but the stiff NE wind drove them around here.

I thought to try & hire two of the Fulanga canoes to take us to Kamlara but after talking it over with Willie we have decided to wait a bit longer - sending a hurry-up message to Mothe & the Fulanga boys. Willie figures the weather is the only thing that is keeping the big canoe in Mothe.  I, of course, figure the captain is "chicken-hearted" (Oh pardon [[underline]] me, [[/underline]] Mr. Ferris, I didn't know you were here!")

Before the wind got too strong this morning we completed our bottom sampling operations in the bay and in the lagoon.

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After lunch we examine the lss. in the hills to the SE of town. Didn't hope to find much & so was not disappointed.  However, I did collect some hundreds of land shells for Doc Cooke - after all these rains the trees & shrubs were loaded - quite a variety, too - including some beautiful banded forms.  Made an effort to catch a big jumping spider (the biggest I have ever seen) but before Willy could get a handkerchief over it it jumped clear out of sight!

By the way, the dirty weather that drove us into Komo on July 2 (see page 9) nearly swamped the [[underline]] Adimoce [[/underline]].  The Tongan boys saw a report of her trip in the Suva paper.  She left Lakemba 

Transcription Notes:
lss = short for limestones