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when we did - headed for Suva with a load of tax copra from Tumlou & with Mrs. Stewart & her daughter as passengers. Things got so bad that they had to throw all the deck load of copra overboard - and it was not insured, either. It must have been bad indeed for she only had 250 sacks & her load is 300.  This in the dry season when the gentle Trades prevail!  You are in for a lot of weather talk if you ever finish this book, Ed! I can see that right now!

I don't know what I shall do tomorrow. I'm fed up with the lss. of the interior (it gives little and I've covered every inch of 

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the coast. It sure is tough here with no real work to do. I can see Yangasa and the lumps of Dalai Olvi on the horizon - lots of work in both places! Maybe I'll start and read Davis over again - no!  Heaven forbid! I'd rather twiddle my thumbs and drink yangona!

Believe it or not I am temporarily fed up with jam. For the last 4 meals Willie has set out a jar of my favorite (Black currant) and I haven't even unscrewed the lid! (Sh-u-r! the answer is I am working on a pot of honey!)  Tonight there was no chicken so I opened a tin of Finnan Haddies.  Served with vinegar they were delicious.  The other