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56 Its now growing dark and pouring rain. The Mluli has paid a visit (to his own house!) asking for grog. He claims to like strong grog but after one mbilo of my special brew he had to start adding water - which of course pleased me to no end! The Fulanga canoes set out in spite of the lack of wind - three men skulking in each canoe. its some 20 miles to Mothe so I don't envy them. They carry a message from us to the "chicken-hearted captain"! Willy has rigged up a set of drain troughs & is rapidly filling our Yangasa drum with fresh water from the tin roof of our house - that boy is certainly a great one! I too shall give him [[end page]] [[start page]] 57 a bonus as you did - he does deserve it! Found a spot along the coast where the mossy rocks are [[underline]] covered [[/underline]] with large forams - collected a sack of them. When the mat of weed and forams are dried it should make good classroom material. M-H in Suva didn't do so well on my food order. They gave me a bunch of bastard brands of soup in large tins (too large) and a 50 lb sack of Australian rice that cooks up like glue - too soft, I am sure, even for your teeth. I aim to hand them back the balance in August. Now I must do the honors