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grows old and a boy is busy pounding up the kosa kosa.  I'll help drink that & then to bed.

We be discouraged? After all the canoe [[underline]] may [[/underline]] come tomorrow!

Cheerio --

Namuk, July 12th
Dear Ed --

Rain in the morning and showers off & on all afternoon. A moderate SE wind & fair visibility but the captain -- that chicken-hearted bastard! -- didn't venture out of Mothe!  Anyway the skies are clearing now so I have hopes for tomorrow.

I put on the old boots and sallied forth after lunch -- between (& during) showers. Hiked across to the north coast -- cracked the limestone & collected landshells but 

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found nothing to write home about.

The Chow & I become fast friends! He gave me a concert this afternoon -- singing as he played his "Chinese piano". Any port in a storm -- but I still don't call it music!  He told me the name of the instrument but I have forgotten it.  Its a queer thing shaped like this [[arrow drawn to diagram]]

[[diagram needs inserted]]

A total of 21 strings in groups of 3 and with 2 sets of bridges it gives forth quite a variety of sounds! He plays it with two flexible bamboo mallets -- one for each hand.

[[arrow drawn to illustration of mallet]]

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