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nearly all day. At bath time the wind shifted around to SE so, though it still looks threatening, I have hopes. No canoe could have come today so for the moment I'm not cursing the captain!

I wrote a 15-pager to friend Marcus & did some odd jobs but the rest of the day I loafed & slept -- waking up to eat eggs now & then!

The Chow was much impressed with my Thomas hair tonic & shampoo. -- Wanted to send to Suva for some even when I told the price was 8/0 per bottle. I told him they could only be gotten in America but he insists that you can get anything in Hong Kong so I finally gave in and wrote out the names for him!

More rain arriving [[underline]] right now. [[/underline]] Ho-hum! Willy is as fed up 

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with this place as I am -- Wish we had a Tuvutha' duck!

Cheerio --

P.S.  Willy has just discovered an ancient deck of cards in this town! Four are missing but I'll make some replacements. I'll be a hell of a devilish fellow tonight -- and play solitaire!


8 [[superscript]] 10 [[/superscript]] p.m.  FLASH!  

Wind now blowing "like billy-o"! -- and raining like hell!  Have just looked at the barometer & its over 800 feet -- that's just about 100' higher (lower) than its been since I've had it.  Maybe Willie and I will ride over 

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