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canoe was loaded with many baskets of food & tremendous large yams. On deck was our light kit, 2 girl passengers, 2 men passengers, Willy & I, the captain and the crew (one!) - total 8 people. We crossed the reef at noon (high water) & then it took us an hour to pole against a stiff current to the village - with 5 men poling. 
After a light lunch Willy & I climbed the 200' rim & went quite a distance into the interior along the track leading to Tokalun. The cliffs are much like those seen near Undu to the south. Lots of corals but it is very difficult to say how many are in position of growth. One large colony exceeded 6 feet in length & this was oriented properly but I 
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saw no good "reef structure" such as I have seen in Fulanga, Ongee & Namuka. There are suggestions of it in the horizonletly elongated cavities but nothing convincing. However, I found [[underlined]] no orbitoids [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ & no extensive bedding. [[/insertion]] One block in the interior was bedded & a good example of a lithified coral sand -
like a bit from a tidepool. I did [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] find the volcanic boulders reported along the trail by Tüting - nor do any of the local natives know of such. I think Tüting mistook blackened ls. for vol. rock.
Another batch of "Tüting tales" have been relayed to my somewhat tired ears. I won't bother you with the details. 
I had a walk on the beach after dinner. Pure white hard sand & bright moonlight. I thought of you and wished you were along for I knew 

Transcription Notes:
[[ortrtorch?]] Orbitoid = related to genus Orbitoides (invertebrate fossils) -@meg_shule