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rat with my sheath knife! The things seem to have no fear- they run back & forth along the ridge pole 5' above my head. Stop & gaze at me as I lie here!
Had some talk before we finally got away this morning. I suspect the crew would have enjoyed Sunday in Kambara. With Natha I probably couldn't have gotten away but Willy is a great help - Good old Willy - God's answer to the field man's prayer! 
I'll have to give up now & seek my net. 
Cheerio & may we [[underline]] both [[/underline]] have a good day tomorrow! A 1000 thanks, Ed, for your visit to St Louis! May you find my mother [[underline]] completely [[/underline]]
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recovered- and Sam her usual charming self.
Today ends the 4th week. I'm a bit behind schedule but I think our bad weather & bad luck are now over! I've got a boat anyway! 
Wangava, July 22 (Sunday) 
Dear John -
Still here - the sun has just gone down on a glassy sea. Gosh, if we had just brought an outboard motor, how we could have high-tailed for Namuka & Yangosa. Good old [[underlined]] Pacific [[/underlined]] Ocean! Nice old mill pond!! Just the same, as night comes on I am not too pleased to be here.