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22 showing only molds of the structure on their upper sides. No orbitoids but some molds of smaller forams. Numerous molds of shallow water mollusks & rare cidarid spines. All mollusks are gastropods except for [[underlined]] Lithophaga [[/underlined]] Well marked parallel fissures cut both sides of the island. Visited the lake later in the day. It is a mile in diameter, Ed! Toadstool islets near its steep shores & I think it has been formed mainly - if not entirely by solution. Water quite salty & with a variety of thin-shelled mollusks; including brackish forms of Arca, etc. Bottom muddy with calc. debris but no forams. I collected all sorts of samples [[end page]] [[start page]] 23 & specimens. Looking at the enormous lake in the middle of this small island one cannot help thinking of Fulanga - I wonder? --? Also collected land shells, spiders & prawns but damned if any of us could find any thrips! Thanks to plenty of coconuts we only used 1 gallon of water today - in spite of a good hot sun. Its been a grand day, Ed! If a nice [[underlined]] little [[/underlined]] breeze will only spring up before morning I'll write you tomorrow from Namuka or Yangasa' Cheerio - Harry P.S - Its warmer tonight, thank goodness. Now for a stroll in the moonlight. - H. Namuka, July 23rd Dear Ed - I feel so civilized - sitting here in
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