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that [[underlined]] much [[/underlined]] erosion has gone on. - and certainly the lss are much altered. Whats the answer? - I don't know yet & and am not even confident of finding out.
You must now be home & well settled with your family. Please give Ruth my love & tell her that I wish she & you were bringing June out - we four could have a swell time together - we shall have - come October! 
Cheerio - 
Five weeks from next Tuesday & I'm a married man! HURRY UP, SEPTEMBER! 
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Yangasá, July 26th
Dear Ed - 
Some rain in the night but only Willy knew it. I awoke only once & that was when Willy talked at some length about little Nanlu - in his sleep. Up & on the beach before the others - watched the stars out & the sun in - this in a beautiful lagoon, Edward!
Some showers after breakfast but the Captain reckoned it would clear again as the tide went down - and so it did. 
I found a poor naked hermit crab ambling along the beach & endeavored to find an empty shell for it. The Captains daughter was curious so I enlisted her aid - explaining in my [[underlined]] best [[/underlined]] Fijian. She missed the point, however, and a few minutes later bought me two

Transcription Notes:
lss = short for limestones