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sunk! Three chickens today - one boiled, one baked, one fried! - plus fried flour cakes, 2 lots of fish, & two of yams, etc! Willy is much pleased for he measures the warmth of our welcome by the amount of food presented to us - I'm in a fair way to measure it by the number of inches I increase in the mid-section! No wonder my belt gave up the struggle. I now hold up my breeches with a fish line in true half-cast fashion!

Walked over a mile this afternoon for a real fresh-water bath and it was worth it! Saw a lot more agglomerate, etc., took some movies, collected about a hundred thrips & had the kids get two bottles of land shells. The thrips came from blossoms & I suspect they are all common forms but maybe they will be 

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more welcome than empty tubes. 

If the wind dies we sail for Oneata on the morning tide - if not I suppose we shall have more chickens inflicted upon us. Thank goodness we left Yangasa' last night for our 2 leaf shelters would have been little protection in todays rain. From Bob's house at breakfast time I watched the rain remove Yangasa' from the horizon. "I'm glad," says Willy, "that we got away from that mad island!"

I expect to keep the canoe until we reach Lakemla about a week hence. The [[underline]] Adimoce [[/underline]] is due back from the mbosi then and I hope to get her to take us to Naian. Tonight ends our fifth week. Haven't had half a chance to get reef movies yet but have hopes for Oneata. I wish I could have had the movie

Transcription Notes:
[[Ademore?]] [[nebose?]] ?? Any ideas? -@siobhanleachman. I believe it is Adimoce, for Adi Moce, name of wife/sister of a Fijian leader of the time? -@meg_shuler I think I have corrected these but double check -- JZ