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as Bill Price said - "it was time for us to go..."! I took a lot of canoe movies & one of the Lekaleka atoll as we sailed close by. We cleared Mothe's reef but got stuck on Oneata's! Had to pole & skull backwards, tack off shore, & do an extra ten miles so as to use the passage. Hence, though we sailed at 800, we did not reach here until 300 PM.

How could Agassiz say "Everywhere on the surface of the island we found the elevated limestone cropping out"? My God, the eastern half is rolling grassland & (Willy claims) volcanoes also occur to [[insertion]] ^ the [[/insertion]] west. Davis evidently smelled a mouse for he only said "probably of limestone." I'll get a nice map here, I think - [[underline]] and fossils [[/underline]]. As soon as I landed & before the captain even got ashore I had a boy & started pacing eastward.

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Ran into lss. & then (at 2000 paces) a 15 foot cliff of [[underline]] solid discoid forams [[/underline]] 

[[left margin, insertion]] The larger ones look like my Tova Peak stuff [[arrow]] - also Lakenda (Vatutoa School) [[/insertion]]

with a few larger ones & a little fine volcanic waste. Cheers! And at the foot of the cliff a big block from above containing [[underline]] very large [[/underline]] & beautifully preserved orbitoid mollusks ([[underline]] Arca, Ostrea [[/underline]]) & a [[underline]] 5-inch [[/underline]] irregular echinoid. More cheers! I just reached home in time to unpack in the dark.

Am now all settled in a swell house ("bed" has [[underline]] sheets [[/underline]]!), have had a sevu-sevu to the acting mbuli & have dined. Yangona is being prepared & I start plotting. [[underline]] Work to do [[/underline]]! & believe me I shall stay here till this island is done properly.

We strained the canoe a bit today when we hung on Oneats' reef - opened up an old crack & let the fibre packing out. She leaks some now so we shall beach her tomorrow for repairs.