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two islids are some of [[underlined]] Dana's [[/underlined]] types & Agassiz claimed they were "late tertiary ls." (but no fossils to prove it). If its fair weather we shall pass at least one night & I shall search diligently for orbitoids & study the physiography. I think Ed that we are going to have some swell inter-island correlation based largely on orbitoids. [[left margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] I can visualize a big faunal chart for all our islands! [[/insertion]] If only we had a lot more soundings between these islands! 
With what knowledge I have at present of the set-up down here I'll give 2-1 odds that if I have just a few hours on Aiwa I'll get good orbitoids - probably in bedded ls - & [[underlined]] possibly [[/underlined]] accompanied by other types of organisms. Wouldn't it be nice to get Tertiary orbitoids in bedded ls. in a basin-shaped Aiwa? It certainly would put a crowning touch on
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our arguments re the significance of basin-shape in ls islands!
I am torn between two desires - I want to do Oneata, Aiwa, Lakemba & Naian - yet I am due to sail for Suva two weeks from day after tomorrow! I think I'll trust my luck & make a closer connection with the [[underlined]] Mariposa [[/underlined]]!
Willy wants to add another contribution from the island so if you read on a bit you probably will see it - he is certainly too busy to write tonight! My admiration for Willy grows by the day. Am afraid all other boys I ever have will catch hell because they fall short of Willy! - Just [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] he has gotten the Flit gun - unasked - & has squirted it around my ankles. I'm in a fair way to be completely spoiled!