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58 our canoe at anchor, Willy, etc. If the film wasn't bad before you sealed it - we should have some good pictures. Before lunch ran traverse from top of highest point on this end of the island to village (elev. only 105 feet). The high point & the grassy hills near it are of tuffaceous limestone [[underlined]] very rich in forams [[/underlined]] & with some mollusks, worn corals, echinoids, etc. There [[margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] Where did the volcanic debris come from? has this island too been reduced by faulting? [[/insertion]] is a great deal of volcanic debris in the rock which explains the "volcanic vegetation." Found one coral [[underlined]] not a mold [[/underlined]] but badly worn - it leads me to hope for that coral fauna! One of the Pectins in [[underlined]] P. mirificus [/underlined]] Reeve, a rare Recent species of which I collected one specimen at 6 1/4 mile quarry (see my report if you have a copy). In the afternoon the Captain plugged some cloth into the canoe for a temporary stop-leak & we sailed out to the barrier [[end page]] [[start page]] 59 so I could finish the roll of color film. I had 40' left & used it all on the reef. Some views of the nigger-head landward zone & the balance in the marginal zone. Some of the waves should look like they are rising right into the camera! They certainly boiled under the tripod! I dried the tripod legs before folding and have oiled [[margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] could find no rich coral pools to allow for close-ups. [[/insertion]] it well so I don't think it will suffer. - Have now 5 rolls of film ^ [[insertion]] left [[/insertion]] - 4 of supersensitive & 1 color. Have not been able to get the bathing scene you wanted - no chance during our few hours in Lomaloma as we landed only just before nightfall & sailed at 7:30 AM. - no pools in any of the other villages I have visited. Nor have I been able to get a view showing how trees are spaced on a coconut plantation,