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surely do miss you, Ed! Its not the same by one'sself. Willy, of course, is very keen & I talk "shop" & many other subjects with him - quite different from my weeks with Natha'! - but [[underlined]] still [[/underlined]] - I wish you were here. Together we could range over the island in no time at all!

Oneata, July 31.
Dear Ed -
[[left margin, vertical line]] 
A long day & I've just finished a long evening on the map. It is about 2/3 complete, I think. It shows some interesting things - particularly the kind of topography development on tuffacious ls. or compared with [[insertion]] ^ that of [[/insertion]] relatively pure ls.
[[/left margin, vertical line]]
- but Im too tired to tell you all about it.
Some showers again today but no heavy

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ones. Tomorrow will be August. The last of the grog & I'm for bed - My eye is [[underlined]] much [[/underlined]] better - Sa mothe - Harry.

Oneata, Aug 1st
Dear Ed -
Another long day but somehow I'm not so tired tonight. Maybe its because the map is finished - at least the outline is and two interior traverses. The outline checking in fairly well - about like Tuvutha'.
Between treks today I worked in the interior - collecting from beautiful outcrops of the basal foram beds exposed on the south slopes of the lake basin. There are numerous 6-inch echinoids but many are fragmentary & all very fragile. I got enough for identification, I think. Also got the first Lauan shark's tooth today! Its a  small one & unless I am badly mistaken