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66 accompanied us (in his canoe) to Tetuka. To tack in the open sea in a canoe does require lots of skill! He is the most cheerful person I have ever known and another reason I am drawn to him is that I can talk to him just as well (with [[underlined]] my [[/underlined]] hands!) as can anyone else! He rates plenty of tobacco! A year ago tonight I arrived in Port Bruce with Jane. What a perfect month that was! Well, in [[underlined]] another month [[/underlined]] (and 2 days!) --- "Hurry up September"! H. Oneata, Aug 2nd. Dear Ed- Light shower off & on all day but its been a good one none-the-less. Started out the morning to map the western lake & collect from the fine [[end page]] [[start page]] 67 weathered outcrops near it. I told Willy I would buy him a beer for each shark's tooth he found. On the first outcrop we both reached out for the same one but his knife got there a split second before my hand! A nice big tooth & similar (I believe) to a species I have collected from Chesapeake Beach. A little later Willy got another - a small cracked [[underlined]] Carcharodon megalodon [[/underlined]] Ag. - that nice Miocece fossil! On the first batch of outcrops tiny irregular echinoids (less than 1/2 inch) were very numerous & we collected more than fifty. Small "sand-dollar" type also abundant - all told we got over 100 complete echinoids today! - several species & many very perfectly preserved. Also Pectins, a few poor gastropods, 2 or 3