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work all finished except for plotting in some additional dope on the map. We climbed hills and took pictures and collected some additional pounds of good fossils today. A strong southeast wind all day & if it keeps up tomorrow we stay here - just a bracing wind for an ocean liner but something quite different for a canoe! Heavy showers this afternoon but I found shelter in a tiny yam-storage house in the hills.
I offered 10/0 to the one who could find my lens (a double affair costing $7) & this morning the [[underline]] entire village [[/underline]] - more than [underline]] 50 [[/underline]] people - turned out! Ten shillings sounded like first prize in the Irish Sweepstake to them! When we came thru Mdakuiloa (the other village) at noon the news
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of the finding of the lens had already arrived! Am certainly glad to have it back as my extra is a low power affair.
Found another small igneous area today & sampled the waters of the western lake. It is [[underline]] fresh [[/underline]] - at least drinkable & yet it is supposed to have a shell fauna like Wangava's lake. [[left margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] Later - it doesn't have such. H. [[/left margin]] The kids are making a collection for me but haven't returned yet. 
It grows dark - time for supper. Come along! - it's a delicious Rox pie! Oh yes, - another important news item! a black hen laid a nice egg in our house - next to my bed! She walked out announcing the event to the entire world - but I'm keeping the egg just the same! Harry.