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Aug. 6th
Dear Ed - 
Awoke to another bad day & except for a little office work the day has been a complete loss. Shortly after noon the wind shifted to East - died down a bit & light rain arrived. That looked very encouraging so I ordered the canoe up to the village anchorage. But the skies cleared & the wind began to whip up more whitecaps on the lagoon. Now, at sunset, the wind has died to a whisper. The surf roars on the reef but I think that tomorrow night I shall write you from some other place.  Time is slipping away. I am again [[underlined]] completely [[/underlined]] out of reading matter and am resuming my study of Fijian - my only ace-in-the-hole! Willy is preparing curried beef & rice
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& I am starting on my last batch of yangona. [[underlined]] Seven [[/underlined]] weeks ago today I received my last letters (remember?) - maybe there will be letters for me in Lakemba tomorrow or next day but I have little confidence in the Suva P.O. & am not counting too strongly on it! Cheeri-ho -
P.S. -
No sign of the [[underlined]] Ademoci [[/underlined]] or the [[underlined]] Tui Na Vititem [[/underlined]] both of which are due here. Willy figures the heavy weather has held up cutters as well as canoes. I am secretly hoping that neither cutter arrives before I leave. I want to finish my voyage in the old [[underlined]] Choir Practice [[/underlined]] yet duty & common sense would urge me to take a cutter if one dropped in! Shan't cross that bridge till I come to it! 
This morning while strolling out to