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86 view the weather six girls waylayed me for tobacco. Instead of passing the back to Willy (as I usually do) I invited them into the house & hung a leaf around each young lady's neck. By God, before I knew what was going on they had seated themselves in a row & began to sing! A meke at high noon - the last straw! Had a hell of a time getting them out too as Willy was not around. (No use sharpening your knife in a case like that anyway, Ed!) So long - H. 745 AM Aug. 8, 1934 Dear Ed - And where do you think I am [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]]? Well I'll tell you, Ed, - it was this way - - - [[end page]] [[start page]] 87 Yesterday dawned bright & clear with a moderate breeze. We sailed at 730 heading for Aiwa. As we cleared Oneatai reef we realized that the "moderate" breeze was rapidly increasing in strength I've had more exciting sails in smaller canoes but never so sporty a one as the big "Choir Practice". It wasn't long before a wave came aboard to soak Laisa & me, much to the amusement of Willy - but a few minutes later a big one drenched him & even extinguished his saluka - which gave [[underlined]] us [[/underlined]] a laugh! With Willy bailing almost constantly out of the forward hatch, Jesi squatted on the outrigger frame hauling & slacking sail at the Captain's gestures & Tonga standing in the water to hold down the 18' steering oar it took us just one hour and